The manufacturers (not all of them) do not offer discounts on their chambers for resellers unless a certain volume is met. Know that the first 3 chambers must be bought at retail to I guess prove you are serious about buying to resell their chambers. And if you do become approved, it's not like you just get top tiered wholesale prices. They start you out at the 1 to 3 chambers a month price, then they give a 2nd tiered price if you move 4 to 10 chambers a month, and 10 or more you get the best price you can get as a dealer. Without co-oping the orders together and the volume pricing starting over each month, most dealers do not get to the 10+ volume pricing. I personally don't like these games but I have to follow them. Trust me, I don't agree with any of these. I think all health equipment should be sold on a sliding scale. But MAP rules are MAP rules. I can't even get my mom my dealer price. One of her friends has Lyme and no, I can't even discount to her either. But, I can throw in enough freebies and "back end" stuff to make it worth someone's while. For those that can't take this "hint" oh well.
If you have a chiropractor or you can take the time to go get a business license with Tax ID or some resale license in your local area, this is another hint. Listen, I am on your side. You can think all you want but it is my goal to make these as affordable as I can make them without losing my dealership or breaking any dealership agreement rules or pissing off any other dealers (which I know call the manufacturer complaining about my site. Why don't you call me up. Why do you have to complain to the manufacture? If you can't call me up and talk to me then I am not changing anything on my site. It's up to me what I do with my profits. If I want to pay someone a few thousand dollars for doing a video with their chamber, this is a totally side project. Get my point. So you, WHOEVER YOU ARE... and there are not that many hyperbaric chamber dealers on the internet, You cool it. Stay out of my business.
Note: it costs around 49 to 99 dollars to get a business license in most states. I can sell to anyone with a business license. Depending on the arrangement I am not obligated to start people at the level 1 tier pricing.