NewTowne® is one of the newest chambers that I have reviewed. They haven't been around long enough and I don't have enough people that have bought them from my site when I started my site to hear anything that much.
They are similar to the other brand in the same price range buckle/belt hyperbaric chamber on my site.
They things that I like about them are that they have larger windows that others in the same price range.
The release valves are medal instead of plastic and the compressor makes the least amount of noise of all the compressors over the HP 80 type that I have tested with the 4 main brands.
The straps are 2 inches wide and have 3 straps per chamber with stainless steal buckles. It also has a triple zipper system just like the other brand that has 3 straps. The bulkheads are welded in instead of being separated where you have to install the frame.
I do not have much experience with this brand as of yet. I only reviewed it once. As more of their chambers get sold on the market, I will interview the people that have bought them.
As of 2014 the latest hyperbaric chamber from Newtowne is the Seal Chamber which is manufactured in the United States. They are now cheaper, starting at 4495 dollars (Their Seal 24 inch starts at 6,495 but their old Class 4 models starts at 4,995) and have medal release valves, (not plastic like cheaper ones in the same price range). It now has 4 windows and the chamber is made of nylon. This has no off-gassing due to the type of welding they have (they don't use any glues that off-gas either). The frame is made of PVC and their compressor that comes with it is very quiet for its size. Their smallest Newtowne Seal chamber is 24 inches. The new Seal chamber has no buckles and goes to 1.3 ATA. It has no straps and buckles like the other models they sell. The new Seal that is now out has no bug eyed windows also. The Newtowne hyperbaric chambers is the newest chamber that don't have straps and buckles. I will give more feedback as I get feedback from people who have bought them.
If anyone wants to be one of the firsts to try out the new Newtowne Seal chamber, please let me know. I cannot give any feedback on this chamber at this time other than go by the specs on their website as I have not had time to experience it to give a full review.
If you want to purchase one of these and are interested in reviewing it, please contact me.